
台湾 春日小学校との交流会

台湾 春日小学校との交流会


On Tuesday, July 2, there was an exchange meeting between the 6th graders of Shimokita Elementary School and Pingtung Chueng Jih Elementary School in Taiwan.
The welcoming ceremony began with the entrance of Taiwanese elementary school students to an ensemble performance by Shimokita Elementary School 6th graders. At the welcoming party, students from both schools greeted each other and the Taiwanese students sang and danced. Afterwards, the students made Taiwanese bracelets together.
It was quite a difficult task, but the students communicated with each other while using a translator. At the end of the event, students from Shimokita Elementary School showed the children around the school building, took commemorative photos, and said goodbye. For the children, this was their first experience and a valuable opportunity to work in a group with children of the same age from other countries.
We would like to thank the students and teachers of Pingtung Chueng Jih Elementary School in Taiwan for giving us this opportunity.